Terms and Conditions
Materials, services, and work are supplied by Lifelong and its employees on the basis that the client (including but not limited to the licensee, requester, recipient, purchaser, and/or user of materials, services, and work) reads, understands, and agrees to the Terms and Conditions herein.
Terms and Conditions may change without notice. Terms and Conditions posted at www.lifelongachievement.com are the most current and supersede Terms and Conditions posted or provided elsewhere.
When referencing the Motivation and Engagement Scale you agree to use the following citation details:
Martin, A.J. (1999-2025). The Motivation and Engagement Scale. Sydney, Australia: Lifelong Achievement Group
When referencing the Student Motivation and Engagement Workbook you agree to use the following citation details:
Martin, A.J. (1999-2025). The Student Motivation and Engagement Workbook. Sydney, Australia: Lifelong Achievement Group
When referencing the Student Motivation and Engagement Staff Trainer you agree to use the following citation details:
Martin, A.J. (1999-2025). The Student Motivation and Engagement Staff Trainer. Sydney, Australia: Lifelong Achievement Group
The MES, Workbook, and Staff Trainer licenses are for: (a) 1 year or (b) the number of respondents/staff purchased - whichever expires first.
The materials are copyright, have been formally registered with the U.S. Copyright Office (that has in place international treaties and conventions to cover non-U.S. jurisdictions), and are subject to terms (as agreed by the client when checking the copyright and terms box when submitting the order).
Contact Lifelong if there is uncertainty as to the basis of your purchase.
Unless written approval has been provided by Lifelong prior to purchase, due to the electronic nature of most of our products and services, no exchanges or refunds are possible.
The full set of MES items, Student Workbook exercises, Staff Trainer exercises, or other Lifelong documents/materials are not to be made available to anyone except the respondents and the personnel (eg. project officers, school/organizational staff, psychologists/counselors, supervisors, committees, researchers, assistants) for whom they are intended and who are directly involved/relevant to the project. The scoring key (i.e., the item numbers identifying each of the eleven MES scales), or parts thereof, are not to be reproduced under any circumstances. Reproduction (electronic or otherwise) of the MES is to be limited to one sample item for each of the eleven MES scales (thus, eleven items). Reproduction (electronic or otherwise) of the Student Workbook is to be limited to one exercise per Module in the Student Workbook and is to be in PDF or Word (not online) format. Up to 100 words from the MES User Manual and the Administration Guidelines documents can be reproduced - if more than 100 words are to be reproduced, contact Lifelong to request written approval.
Under no circumstances are the licensed materials (or any revisions or adaptations of the materials) to be distributed or published electronically (including distribution by email) or otherwise outside the licensed site or project or family/household and they are not to be on-sold or added as part of a fee for any service – licenses are only for the internal purposes of the site and project. Materials are not to be posted on the Internet and are only permitted on a site’s/project’s Intranet for internal access of the site/project licensed by respondents or project manager/officer for whom they are intended – and the purchaser/administrator must ensure that access does not exceed the license or these terms. This includes, but is not restricted to dissertations, assignments/essays, presentations, reports, journal articles, chapters, books, monographs, conference papers, appendices, supplementary materials, websites, blogs, emails etc.
The Student Motivation and Engagement Workbook is to be printed and distributed to students in hard copy. It must not be distributed to students electronically, posted online (internally or externally), etc.
Adaptations and translations of the materials are permitted with prior written permission from Lifelong. The adaptation and translation of any part of the supplied materials resides within the license (ie. cannot be administered beyond the purchased license), remains copyright and intellectual property of Lifelong Achievement Group.
The client must take all reasonable steps to ensure the MES, Workbook, and Staff Trainer URLs, exercises, and items are accessed by the intended respondents only.
The client agrees to read and comply with the Administration Guidelines supplied with the materials (contact Lifelong if you did not receive these Guidelines).
For ordering and the online surveys, student activities, and staff training, a third party operates the platforms (Qualtrics - see https://www.qualtrics.com; SurveyMonkey - see https://www.surveymonkey.com; Shopify - see https://www.shopify.com/ for terms and conditions - and hence, terms and conditions associated with your purchase/license). Lifelong is not responsible for any issues related to online survey completion, internet connections, incomplete surveys, security issues related to Qualtrics, SurveyMonkey, Shopify etc.
MES, Workbook, and Staff Trainer data will be retained on the relevant online server for approximately 1 year after the client's license has expired. The client is responsible for requesting their data from Lifelong within this period and then securely retaining it thereafter.
Lifelong is not responsible for correcting any data entry errors, inaccuracies, oversights etc by respondents - thus, the accuracy of respondents' answers is not the responsibility of Lifelong to supervise, address, or correct. Scores and reports will be provided to the client on the understanding that Lifelong is not responsible for ensuring the accuracy of respondents’ answers. If scores or reports need to be re-done by Lifelong because of inaccuracies on the respondents’ part, an additional fee may apply.
For internet and electronic services, there are limitations to the psychological efficacy relative to face-to-face counseling – clients are urged to contact the national/state psychology (or similar) society/association for such support and assistance.
For internet and electronic services, there are limitations to the interpretation of test results because relatively few of the individual’s characteristics, context and individual situation are taken into account – this context and the individual need to be carefully considered by the client and other professionals when interpreting test results.
For internet and electronic services, there are risks associated with sending personal or sensitive information.
For internet and electronic services, confidentiality is limited by the security of the technology. No guarantees can be made regarding the interception of data sent via the internet by any third parties. There is always the risk of intrusion by outside agents, i.e., hacking, and therefore the possibility of being identified.
Precautions have been taken to avoid transmitting viruses, malware, etc. However, clients and those accessing the Lifelong website should conduct their own checks on any email, attachment, online link, etc., as Lifelong does not accept liability for loss or damage caused by viruses, malware, etc.
For internet and electronic services, reasonable steps are taken to ensure authentication of the identity of client and student/respondent but all participants must understand that this will be limited by the technology and methodology.
Scores and reports provided by Lifelong (eg. via the Scoring Service or the Institution Report service) are not to be disseminated or published (electronic or otherwise) by the client. Much information in these materials is intellectual property to Lifelong and only for the internal purposes of the client.
No further use, administration, reproduction, or distribution of all or part/s of the licensed materials will occur after the license has expired. Further use, administration, reproduction, or distribution of all or part/s of the licensed materials will require renewal of the license at the price advertised at the time of renewal.
Parents or students or others who are not professionals working in education or psychology wishing to have motivation assessed should do so through their school or an education, counseling, or psychology professional.
It is the client’s responsibility to ensure that all appropriate and reasonable steps are taken for proper, safe, and effective administration of services and materials. Any adverse or other consequence arising from this administration is the responsibility of the client and not of Lifelong or its employees.
The client indemnifies Lifelong and all its employees and associates against liability, loss, claim, or proceeding in respect of any injury, harm, death, loss or damage whatsoever to any property, organization, or person.
Lifelong cannot guarantee that a student will respond identically to online and hard copy forms of the MES and so due caution and care must be exercised when interpreting and reporting scores and adapting to norms.
The client complies with all privacy procedures and policies (this encompasses but is not restricted to informed consent from students/respondents and parents/guardians, confidentiality and its limits, use of responses and results, disclosure to other staff/professionals and to parents/guardians, access to responses and results, data collection, data storage, data security) that govern the state/territory/region in which the client operates. This will be considered the client’s responsibility to ensure and is assumed to be adequately addressed by the client if the work proceeds.
Access to information (encompassing any information supplied by Lifelong or any responses or results emanating from materials, services, or work supplied by Lifelong) by others in the organization will be only on a ‘need to know’ basis and as part of proper and appropriate care of the student/respondent and with the student/respondent and parent/guardian consent.
Disclosure of information to others in the organization is for the purpose of providing educational/professional support and maintenance and for communication of information to relevant people involved in this process.
Student/respondent and parents/guardians will be advised that there may be communication between professionals about responses and results arising from materials, work, or services supplied and between professionals and students/respondents/parents/guardians about such responses and results.
Non-psychologists and psychologists involved in the process must abide by all nationally/regionally-relevant ethical, privacy, confidentiality, and consent procedures.
The client understands and agrees that the materials are intended for the express purpose of assessing and supporting motivation and engagement and are not intended for other purposes (eg. screening, selection etc.).
The materials are not clinical diagnostic or clinical intervention tools. Other or additional materials applied by a clinically trained professional will be needed for these purposes.
Clients must inform the student/respondent of the primary purposes of the process and inform them that use and disclosure of this information will revolve around this primary purpose.
Reasonable steps will be taken to ensure information collected and disclosed is accurate, complete, and up-to-date.
Reasonable steps will be taken to protect personal information from misuse, loss, unauthorized access, modification, or disclosure.
Where lawful or practicable, the student/respondent has the right to not identify themself.
The client is not permitted to disclose personal information about the student/respondent to a foreign country/territory/region not subject to a comparable information privacy scheme (unless student/respondent and guardian consent).
If the issues relevant to the student/respondent move beyond the motivation and engagement domain, that student/respondent will be referred by the client for suitable support and assistance.
In all cases, responses made by the client and the student/respondent are assumed to be truthful.
The reliability and validity of the materials being used can be assessed through the relevant academic publications obtainable through the relevant databases (eg. PsycInfo, ERIC, Current Contents, AEI, Google Scholar) and libraries.
When electing to use materials provided by Lifelong it is on the basis that the client agrees that the student/respondent needs the assessment/materials, advantages of using these materials are weighed up against the use of other materials, and the ethics of using these materials are weighed up against the use of other materials.
When administering materials, students/respondents are briefed and informed of the limits of confidentiality, problems and concerns are dealt with appropriately, and clients are vigilant during the process. Respondents are to be informed that their answers may be seen by practitioners in their institution (e.g., when raw MES data are sent by Lifelong to the client).
When interpreting results, other information about the student/respondent that is relevant to drawing inferences about results is used (eg. language ability, academic ability, educational and other history, health, prior testing etc.) by the client.
When making decisions and recommendations, the client: does not rely solely on test results, uses the results and materials for the primary purpose intended (to support motivation and engagement), and factors in other information such as achievement, attendance, physical and mental health etc.
In terms of security, ensure all materials are fully accounted for at the end of a session, hard copy materials are stored under lock and key, the counselor, psychologist or relevant professional is centrally involved in the access and storage of materials, completed materials are confidential and disclosed in accordance with relevant privacy laws and policies, electronic materials have appropriate password and security attached to them, and all materials are retained for up to seven years (or as appropriate to client’s context).
The MES has been 'normed' in Australia and the validity of applying these 'norms' in other national contexts is to be considered when scoring, communicating, and interpreting results.
Exercises in the Student Workbook have been validated in Australia and so their validity in other national contexts is to be considered when administering the program.
The client and the student/respondent understand that test scores and assessment are not perfect measures.
Online MES and other data collected by Lifelong may be incorporated into norming and/or research reports. No schools or individuals will be identified in any norming or reporting.
The client and student/respondent do not ignore or minimize MES and Student Workbook results and responses that conflict with robust evidence suggested by other findings and sources.
The client and student/respondent are aware that the validity of MES and Student Workbook responses is approximately one year in most cases.