The Motivation and Engagement Scale (MES)

Positive Motivation: Self-belief, Valuing, Learning Focus
Positive Engagement: Planning, Task Management, Persistence
Negative Motivation: Anxiety, Failure Avoidance, Uncertain Control
Negative Engagement: Self-sabotage, Disengagement
Motivation and Engagement Scale - JUNIOR SCHOOL (MES-JS)
- For junior/elementary/primary students (10-13 yrs)
- 'Normed' on over 3,000 junior school students (10-12 years)
Motivation and Engagement Scale - HIGH SCHOOL (MES-HS)
- For high school students (12-19 yrs)
- 'Normed' on over 41,000 high school students (12-18 years)
Motivation and Engagement Scale - UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE (MES-UC)
- For university, college, higher education students
- 'Normed' on over 2,500 university/college students (17+ years)
Options to Add to Your MES Surveys
- Option 1: Scoring
- Option 2: Student Profiles and Tip Sheets
- Option 3: Institution (School/University/College) Report
Motivation and Engagement Scale (MES)
- The Online MES (Junior School Sample View; High School Sample View; University/College Sample View) - is an online survey accessed via a URL that is distributed to students (see below for the Item-Only MES format)
- The raw data (responses) are sent in an Excel file when all students complete the Online MES
- There is also an Item-Only MES available (and a Research Student pricing for this) that is a PDF list of all MES items. This can be helpful for researchers who want to embed the MES items in their own survey
- User Manual and Administration Guidelines are also provided to the client
- Would you like to add the Scoring (Norming) Service, the Student Profiling Service, or an Institution Report to your MES? See Options 1, 2, and 3 below
- Would you like to add the Motivation and Engagement Student Workbook to your MES? Click Here
- Would you like to add the Online Staff Trainer to your MES? Click Here
Online MES pricing: 100 MES surveys = Aus$220; 250 MES surveys = Aus$385; 500 MES surveys = Aus$495; 1000 MES surveys = Aus$770; 1500 MES surveys = Aus$990; 2000 MES surveys = Aus$1100; 3000 MES surveys = Aus$1320.
Item-Only (PDF) MES pricing: 500 MES surveys = Aus$220.
Research Student* Item-Only (PDF) MES pricing: 500 MES surveys = Aus$143.
The MES license is for (a) the number of surveys purchased or (b) 1 year - whichever expires first. *Research students MUST provide their university/college email address in their order details to qualify for Research Student pricing - items will not be sent until this address is provided (Lifelong may also request supervisor contact details to confirm research student status).
Currency Converter, Click Here
Add the Scoring Service to your Online MES, provided as an Excel file (for a sample, Click Here)
- Provides the following scores for each student:
- 11 Motivation Quotients (similar to IQ scores). These are ‘norm’ scores, so each student can be compared against students of a similar age
- 11 Motivation Grades (A, B, C, or D) for each Motivation Quotient so students can get a quick sense of their ‘grade’ for each of the 11 motivation factors
- 11 raw scores out of 100 (/100) that are the basis of the Motivation Quotients and Motivation Grades
- Includes all students' raw data (responses) for each item in the MES.
- Would you like to add the Individual Student Profiling Service (and Student Tip Sheets) and Institution Report to your Scoring Service? See Options 2 and 3 below
Aus$297 = 1 x Scoring Service. Each additional Scoring Service request will incur a fee of Aus$297.
Add the Student Profiling Service (and Tip Sheets) to your Online MES, provided as a PDF (for a sample, Click Here)
- A motivation and engagement profile sheet for each student
- Student tip sheets for all 11 parts of the Motivation and Engagement Wheel
- The profile sheet provides 'norm scores' for each individual student on each of the 11 motivation factors
- The profile sheet also provides grades A to D on each of the 11 motivation factors
- Would you like to add the Institution Report to your Scoring and Profiling Service? See Option 3 below
Add a School/University/College Report to your Online MES, provided as a PDF
- Results on each of the 11 motivation factors for your institution as a whole, compared against ‘norms’
- Results on each of the 11 motivation factors for each year level (or age groups) in your institution, compared against ‘norms’
- Results on each of the 11 motivation factors for males and females, compared against ‘norms’
- Information on the extent to which your institution, year/age levels, and males and females are statistically different from ‘norms’.
- Strategies on each of the 11 motivation factors to help educators and other personnel enhance the motivation and engagement of students
- Supplied as a URL that the client sends to students to complete the Online MES (or supplied as a PDF list of items to the client when the Item-Only MES is purchased)
- When all students have completed the online survey, their responses are emailed to the client as an Excel file
- In the User Manual your purchase includes the Short Form of the MES (11 items) and the Domain-Specific form of MES (eg. for specific school/university/college subjects)
- The MES is easily completed in a group or individual context and requires no training for educational and psychological professionals/researchers to administer
- The MES is based on a sound factor structure and reliable factors
- Reading age levels are appropriate for each version of the MES (based on Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level assessment)
- Factors are significantly associated/validated with a wide range of 'outcome' measures
- The MES can be further supported by the Motivation and Engagement Student Workbook (Click Here) and the Online Staff Trainer (Click Here)
PARENTS wanting their child's motivation assessed should contact their school or a psychologist/counselor to have the MES administered.
Martin, A.J., Yu, K., Papworth, B., Ginns, P., & Collie, R. (2014). Motivation and engagement in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, and China: Testing a multidimensional framework. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 33, 103-114.
Bodkin-Andrews, G.H., Denson, N., & Bansel, P. (2013). Teacher racism, academic self-concept, and multiculturation: Investigating adaptive and maladaptive relations with academic disengagement and self-sabotage for Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Australian students. Australian Psychologist, 48, 226-237.
Bugler, M., McGeown, S.P., & St Clair-Thompson, H. (2013). Gender differences in adolescents’ academic motivation and classroom behavior. Educational Psychology, 35, 541-556.
Elphinstone, B., & Tinker, S. (2017). Use of the Motivation and Engagement Scale–University/College as a means of identifying student typologies. Journal of College Student Development, 58, 457-462.
Liem, G.A.D., & Martin, A.J. (2012). The Motivation and Engagement Scale: Theoretical framework, psychometric properties, and applied yields. Australian Psychologist, 47, 3-13.
Martin, A.J. (2007). Examining a multidimensional model of student motivation and engagement using a construct validation approach. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 77, 413-440.
Martin, A.J. (2009). Motivation and engagement across the academic life span: A developmental construct validity study of elementary school, high school, and university/college students. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 69, 794-824.
Martin, A.J. (2023). University students’ motivation and engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic: The roles of lockdown, isolation, and remote and hybrid learning. Australian Journal of Education, 67, 163-180.
Martin, A.J., Anderson, J., Bobis, J., Way, J., & Vellar, R. (2012). Switching on and switching off in mathematics: An ecological study of future intent and disengagement among middle school students. Journal of Educational Psychology, 104, 1-18.
Martin, A.J., Papworth, B., Ginns, P., & Liem, G.A.D. (2014). Boarding school, academic motivation and engagement, and psychological well-being. American Educational Research Journal, 51, 1007-1049.
Nagabhushan, P. (2012). Academic motivation and engagement: An examination of its factor structure in senior school years. The European Journal of Behavioural and Social Sciences, 2, 260-277. eISSN: 2301-2218.
Plenty, S., & Heubeck, B. G. (2011). Mathematics motivation and engagement: an independent evaluation of a complex model with Australian rural high school students. Educational Research and Evaluation, 17, 283-299.
Plenty, S., & Heubeck, B. G. (2013). A multidimensional analysis of changes in mathematics motivation and engagement during high school. Educational Psychology, 33, 14-30.
Yeung, A. S., Barker, K., Tracey, D., & Mooney, M. (2013). School-wide positive behavior for learning: Effects of dual focus on boys’ and girls’ behavior and motivation for learning. International Journal of Educational Research, 62, 1-10.