Online professional development Modules developed by Dr Andrew Martin for practitioners (teachers, lecturers, counselors, psychologists, etc.) to improve school and university/college students' motivation and engagement.
Supplied as a URL that is a link for practitioners to complete the Staff Trainer online.
Comprises 11 online Modules, based on the 11 parts of the Motivation and Engagement Wheel:
- About 10-15 minutes for staff to complete each Module (approx. 2-3 hour training program in total)
- The Modules: Define all parts of the Motivation and Engagement Wheel, explain how to recognize these in students' academic lives, summarize latest research into The Wheel (including gender and age differences), and detail very practical strategies to improve students' motivation and engagement (in a classroom, group, or one-on-one instruction)
- The practical strategies can be applied in remote/virtual and in-person learning contexts
- Each Module comprises: Instructional videos, professional learning activities, and discussion and group activity guides
- Each staff member is also supplied with a Take-Away Resource PDF that is a summary of the main ideas and educational strategies for each Module
Accompanied by Administration Guidelines.
Pricing: 1 Staff = Aus$155; 2 Staff = Aus$264; 5 Staff = Aus$550; 10 Staff = Aus$770; 20 Staff = Aus$990; 50 Staff = Aus$1540; 100 Staff = Aus$1980; 150 Staff = Aus$2310; 200 Staff = Aus$2530. For more than 200 staff, contact Lifelong for pricing.
The Staff Trainer license is for (a) the number of staff purchases or (b) 1 year - whichever expires first.
Currency Converter, here
See Training and Presentations page for further details.