Testimonials by Practitioners and Researchers Using Our Products or Services:

“The Motivation and Engagement Scale (MES) is used as a self-reflection tool and allows the students to work individually on the areas recognized as areas that need work … The online assessment is extremely easy to use and the Motivation and Engagement Workbook is well-written and easy for the students to understand and work through at their own pace … Lifelong Achievement Group always provides prompt service … the extra fee for providing the Scoring Service and Individual Student Profiling is definitely good value for money”

— Jenny Edmonds, School Psychologist, Kalamunda Senior High School and Gooseberry Hill Primary School, Western Australia, Australia


“As an Assessment Specialist, I work with many vendors on many assessment/survey projects. Your company's service has been consistently excellent. We've made several (probably demanding and time consuming) requests over the past two years that you have responded to with cheerful enthusiasm and great follow up. I enjoy working with you and your company, and I wanted to let you know that I think you're doing great customer service work”

— Dr Rob McEntarffer, Assessment Specialist, Lincoln Public Schools District Office, Nebraska, USA


“The Motivation and Engagement Scale (MES) suite is an effective and practical tool for assessing motivation and engagement factors crucial to high quality performance in various achievement settings. The MES factors are underpinned by both classic and contemporary motivation and engagement theories and its corresponding measuring subscales have strong validity and reliability. The MES has also proven to be applicable for assessing students’ motivation and engagement in Asian settings (China, Hong Kong, Singapore). I recommend the use of the MES to my graduate students in their research and to Singaporean teachers to obtain their students’ and classes’ profiles of motivation and engagement levels”

— Dr Greg Liem, Researcher and Associate Professor, National Institute of Education, Singapore


“Profound! Having read about motivation and searched in this space, the Motivation and Engagement Wheel is now a strategic priority at our school ... to teach the Motivation and Engagement Wheel to primary aged students is an incredible experience that delivers better learning … The material is essential and valuable for all”

— Deanne Clark, Academic Director, Brisbane State High School, Brisbane, Australia


“The Motivation and Engagement Scale (MES) has provided me with high-quality data to test a range of multivariate models of student learning. Beyond its suitability for educational research, the MES has clear value in helping educators understand and build student motivation across a range of settings”

— Dr Paul Ginns, Researcher and Associate Professor of Educational Psychology, University of Sydney, Australia                                         


“In the MyLifeMyVoice Teen NMD study we used the MES-HS to help explore health, wellbeing and engagement in youth with physical disability. We gave research participants copies of their scored MES-HS Wheels with opportunity to have a chat about them. One mother expressed concern about her son’s low mood and expression of suicidal thoughts. Referral to mental health services via his treating clinician was followed up. In a telephone call 6 months later, his mother mentioned that she had shared a photocopy of her son’s MES-HS study results with the school, which prompted meaningful conversation with school staff and resulted in his move to a different class. His mother commented on how much happier her son was in his new class more appropriate to his learning and psychological needs”

— Vivienne Travlos, Lecturer in Paediatric Physiotherapy and Physiotherapist, University of Notre Dame, Australia


“For a new school, the Motivation and Engagement Scale (MES) has been an outstanding success. The MES has allowed the College to set baseline knowledge of the students’ motivation and engagement and to develop a personalized program for each. The College has now built the MES into the Academic Care Program of the College, to ensure we are able to track not only the individual student but also the results for the College as well”

— Michael Turton, Director of Wellbeing, St Benedict’s Catholic College, Sydney, Australia


“The Motivation and Engagement Scale (MES) is unique in that it includes an integration of numerous conceptual areas relevant to motivation and engagement. The psychometric properties of this scale have been demonstrated in a number of published studies … we also found the MES to be sound in terms of psychometrics, providing an excellent estimate of student motivation and engagement. The MES also comes with an accompanying Test User Manual, Test and Administration Guidelines ... making this an easily administered, user friendly assessment tool”

— Dr Andrew Holliman, Chartered Psychologist and Associate Professor in Developmental Psychology, University College London, UK


"I have found the Wheel exceedingly useful in counseling students who are having motivation and engagement issues. The Wheel is very easy to use and is an excellent visual representation of what may be hampering the motivation and/or engagement of a young person’s academic journey"

— Jennifer Vincent-Green, Director of Student Services, Firbank Grammar School, Melbourne, Australia


“The Motivation and Engagement Wheel represented an ideal framework to optimally and successfully guide key dimensions of my PhD research. This is reflected by the integration of a range of imperative motivation and engagement constructs in the accompanying robust, reliable, and valid Motivation and Engagement Scale (MES). It has also strongly informed the undergraduate Motivation course I now teach, with many of my students commenting about its implications and utility in their own pedagogy”

— Dr Marianne Mansour, Team Leader, YES Youth Employment Services, Australia


“The Motivation and Engagement Wheel and its related instrument (the Motivation and Engagement Scale) provide an excellent practical and easy to understand framework and tool for teachers, parents to help their children. It has been built on solid research, yet presented in a way that is reachable by everyone”

— Professor KT Hau, Chair Professor in Educational Psychology, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong


“The Motivation and Engagement Wheel and Motivation and Engagement Scale (MES) help my research team understand Chinese learners better in a global society. With its high validity and reliability across cultural backgrounds, they have assisted us to unveil the secret of Chinese students' academic ‘success’ in the distinctive Chinese cultural context”

— Professor Kai Yu, Professor of Educational Administration, Beijing Normal University, China